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Frequently Asked Questions

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What are the delivery charges for orders from the online shop?
What does a wine refrigerator cost on average?
On average, a wine refrigerator costs between $300 and $2000. The cost varies because of the different types of wine refrigerators. For example, a wine refrigerator with 1 temperature zone is cheaper than a wine refrigerator with 2 zones. The number of bottles and total volume in liters also has an impact on the price of a wine refrigerator. Additional options such as, type of wine racks, cooling technology, delivery options and color can make the wine refrigerator more expensive. Finally, there are many brands, such as BODEGA43, Liebherr, Siemens and Caso that have different selling prices.e
How is my order delivered?
Your order will be delivered by Dachser after an announcement by text message, email or phone. Please note that Dachser delivers to your doorstep and not indoors. If you are ordering a heavy product, please keep in mind that you will probably need help putting your order in place. In case of a gravel path or other surface that a pallet truck cannot drive on, the driver will determine how far he can deliver your order to your home.e

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